need: TRX, Bosu, mini ball, dumbbells, sliders
warm up on Bosu
walking lunges/ add ball to side and twist
Bosu squats / TRX squats
TRX pistol squat / lateral lunges (no TRX if full)
Bosu balance lunge with TRX/ TRX lunges
hip bridge with ball/ in and out on sliders or TRX
Bosu burpees
Bosu foot taps
quick feet
speed skaters
basketball/ TRX squat jumps
slider mountain climbers
Bosu ab hollows/ TRX side plank
Bosu planks/ TRX power pull
Bosu push ups/ TRX pull up
Bosu chest press with weights/ TRX chest press
atomic push ups (split it if needed)
DB shoulder press/ TRX alligator
optional: TRX triceps/ DB bicep hammer curls/ DB renegade row
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