Sunday, October 4, 2015

TRX Group Circuit Training Class 2

Warm Up

bear crawls
walking lunges
jump rope
hip hinge
body squat


Notice each of the following segments are lower/ upper/ lower/ upper / cardio.  The last round is core. Do each round with a water break after. 

squat/ single leg squat
chest press
squat/ single leg squat
chest press
speed skaters/ jumping jacks

front squat/ and with a hop
mid row
sprinter start/ and with a hop
mid row
walking push up or burpee with a push up and tuck jump

assisted lunge/ step back lunge
standing roll out/ triceps/ biceps/ Y delt fly
balance lunge/ crossing balance lunge
standing roll out/ triceps rev grip/ biceps rev grip/ T delt fly
ollie- ladder/ side jumps touch low

hamstring curl/ sit up/ hip press/ sit up w rotation
plank/ side plank
overhead back ext/ standing hip drop/ overhead back ext

Cool Down/ Stretch

low back stretch/ and with rotation
hip hinge R/L
upper back
long torso twist R/L
figure 4 stretch
chest stretch
chest and torso stretch Pin It

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