Friday, November 2, 2012

Music Together Make-Up Class

We have been going to our Music Together class, me and the two kids.  It is a ten week session that is paid in advance.  Last week we did a make-up class with the same instructor and same room at a different time.  We actually liked it so much that I think we may switch.

We liked it so much because it was a bit earlier in the day, so we were more fresh and not hungry.

Also, it was a smaller class so there was the same small circle around the drum but not so much competition for a spot there, and the teacher could give my kids a bit more focused attention.  There was also another mom with two kids there, so I didn't feel so out of place with my brood.

It was the same songs and same (highly energetic) teacher, so my kids got what they were expecting.  I think that is one of the biggest benefits of Music Together - the CD to take home and the same songs in class and at home, so the kids (and parents) get to know the music and feel a bit of ownership over it, or at least a high level of familiarity.

Here is what we thought of week one.
Here is what we thought of week two.
Here is what we thought of week three.

Disclaimer: Many thanks to East Bay Music Together for letting us attend for free in exchange for my thoughts in writing.
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