Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Our Broken Lawnmower

I forgot to take action shots!  We were having so much fun that I forgot to get the camera out.  Really.

This project was our broken lawnmower.  At my older son's preschool, they have been taking apart old broken machines (like a vacuum) and finding the motor and then putting the pieces back together as something else (the vacuum became a rocket ship).

The lawn mower danced its last dance and we took it aside.  First we tried to take the blade off.  It was rusted right on.  So we moved to the wheels, visions of a Go-Kart dancing in our heads (I explained it as a sled you can use without snow).  They proved even tighter.

We got more tools and started with the handlebars.  Finally- success.  Then we cut the cord and went in for the motor.  We found it (I wish I had a photo of me and the kids hammering and tugging at the cover to get it open).  Needless to say, the motor was stuck on by the blade on the opposite side.

So we went back to the blade and got two of the three screws off with some brute force and determination.  Then we decided it was time for a snack and we would come back to it.  Stay tuned to hear how we fare with the wheels.

In the meantime, the littler guy keeps turning over his ancient plastic lawnmower and asking for tools.

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